Immaculate Conception

As in many cities of the old world and new, the most
significant building in their settlements, towns or cities was the
local cathedral, because they represented the ecclesiastical power,
and a symbol of the economic and social standing in the region. This
magnificent cathedral in Mazatlan, Mexico was begun in 1855 and
would continue for many years. In 1875, Fr. Miguel Lacarra would
instigate the acceleration of the construction process so that the
main structure would be completed by 1880. The famous and well known
icon in Mazatlan was built by Estanislao Leon, who would die before
it was finished, although the towers would be started in 1893, and
one finished in 1894, with the other being completed a few months
later. The towers had been designed by Natividad Gonzalez, and
during the construction of them, he and the current parish priest,
Fr. Garcia, would have a disagreement and he would not complete it.
The first masses were held in 1880, although the official
consecration wouldn't occur until 1899. The cathedral basilica is a
beautiful blend of Moorish and gothic architecture, that is
magnificently decorated on the interior. There are big white
sculptures of Sts. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John that stand at the
four corner entries, and rising above all are the two towers and
their outer cupola covered by yellow tiles from Europe. It is a
splendid sight in the day, but at night seems to become even more
spectacular with the yellow facade accented by spotlights and
crosses that adorn the towers tops, lit in neon. The interior is
even more elaborate, with baroque altars, crystal chandeliers, gold
leaf decorated murals, Parisian organ and religious sculptures.
Another reason for its fame and beauty is the cathedral's claim to
be the only Roman Catholic church in the world with the Star of
David shown in every one of its 28 stained-glass windows.